Raw Crystal Necklaces - Assorted

Sodalite - Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.

Tigers Eye - A stone of protection, Tiger's Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.

Clear Quartz - This white crystal is considered a “master healer.” It's said to amplify energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. It's also said to aid concentration and memory. Physically, clear crystals are claimed to help stimulate the immune system and balance out your entire body.

Clear Quartz
Tigers Eye
Rose Quartz
Agate Slices
Black Tourmaline