Necklace - Crystal Cats/Fox Pendant

Necklace - Crystal Cats/Fox Pendant 

Cat meaning and symbolism includes elegance, curiosity, independence, protection, magic, and other notable qualities. For thousands of years, people have been captivated by cats.

As a spirit animal, the fox reveals itself during times of great and unpredictable change. With its heightened sense of awareness, the fox compels you to turn up your own senses, gather the information you need, and act swiftly on your decision. The fox symbolizes mental responsiveness.

Comes in Rose Quartz, Blue goldstone, Opalite, Tigers Eye

Goldstone Called the stone of ambition, goldstone is thought to assist in attaining goals. Some consider goldstone to be a symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. It believed to reduce tension, revitalize the wearer and encourage a positive attitude.

Tiger's Eye is a crystal with beautiful bands of yellow-golden color throughout. This is a powerful stone that helps you to release fear and anxiety and aids harmony and balance. It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.

Rose Quartz It is a crystal of universal and unconditional love. The Rose Quartz meaning is greatly connected to its pink color. Pink represents gentleness, calmness, femininity, compassion and love.

Opalite is a beautiful, sky blue stone that symbolizes clear thinking, new beginnings, and childlike glee.

Rose Quartz
Tigers Eye
Blue Goldstone