Find your aura! Every person, animal, and place has an aura: a rainbow-coloured energy field surrounding us.

With this introductory guide, you can learn how to identify and interpret auras, discover what their different colours mean, and heal and cleanse your own and others’ auras. In addition, renowned author Cassandra Eason provides a range of spiritually enhancing hands-on exercises to try.

About the Author

Cassandra Eason is an international author and broadcaster on all aspects of crystals, folklore, Celtic wisdom, Wicca, sacred sites, earth energies, divinations, and natural magic. She is a practicing solitary Druidess and white witch. Cassandra teaches and runs workshops in psychic development, magic, and witchcraft, all forms of divination, crystals, healing, aura and chakra work, and nature spirituality. She has written numerous books, including The Complete Crystal Handbook and A Spell a Day (both Sterling).