Round Crystal Ring - Sterling Silver - Assorted


Protective stone for the aura. Neutralises toxins on all levels, purifies and releases old baggage. Activates heart and solar plexus. Helps you to detach from people & places from the past. Reduces stress & shows you how to forgive yourself & take responsibility for your life.
Healing – Tonic: regenerates tissue, strengthens metabolism. Aids heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder. Helps in childbirth by strengthening abdomen & relieving pain.


A stone of success. Replaces negativity with love and joy. Helps to heal old wounds on all levels, depression and skin problems. Helps you to see the Karmic effect your deeds and thoughts have. Purifies emotions & actions. Removes stagnant energy. Clears doubt. Brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. Releases tension & speeds up spiritual development.
Healing – Aids digestion, fortifies nerves, stimulates metabolism.


Stone of Abundance. Powerful cleanser and regenerator, energizing, creative, opens intuition. Teaches how to manifest prosperity, all that is good and how to share. Helps to go with the flow. Overcome fear.
Healing – Stimulates digestion, spleen, pancreas, increase blood circulation, detoxifies blood, balance thyroid.

Smokey Quartz

Excellent stone for grounding and protecting, especially in time of stress. Eliminates & detoxes on all levels. Relieves fear lifts depression & brings calmness. Aids acceptance of physical body.
Healing – Excellent for treating radiation related illness of chemotherapy. Promotes pain relief. Good for ailments of abdomen, hips & legs, relieves pain, headaches. Dissolves cramps, strengthens back, fortifies the nerves. Aids assimilation of minerals, regulates liquid within the body.

