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Learn How to Read Auras and Perceive Colours In this fascinating recording, Stuart Wilde delves into the enigmatic world of auras and colour. He gives you practical advice and techniques on perceiving energy in people and nature – seeing beyond the physical dimension into the spiritual realms. Covered are information on auras, the 7 colours and related chakras plus understanding their significance and how they tie into your life. A truly intriguing discussion with insights delivered by Stuart in his familiar thought provoking style. If you are interested in the understanding and perception of auras and colours, then this is a perfect choice. Tracks 1 to 9: Discussion (43mins) 1: The makeup of the aura 2: Aura colours – red, orange and yellow 3: Aura colours – green, blue and the chakras 4: Aura colours – indigo and violet 5: Seeing auras and tempering red, orange and yellow 6: Beyond the physical and into spirit 7: Seeing your own aura – photism 8: Techniques for perceiving energy in people, nature and music 9: Perceiving colour in all things Track 1: Peaceful music for balancing the body’s energies (23mins) ————————————————————————————————- Note from James Wild: I have always been fascinated with colours and what they mean in a physical and metaphysical sense. Here Stuart Wilde gives a great little discourse on colours and the aura. Intriguing and enlightening info and the bonus music at the end is very relaxing and beautiful.