Sleeping Cat Statue

3.5cm x 3.5cm x 2 cm

Cats signify spirituality, intellect, and independence. It is said that if a person sees a black cat cross their path, this is a message from the spirit animal advising them to pay attention to what is going on in their life.


Sleeping cat Crystal in:

Black labradorite This stone may look just like a beautiful stone, but it can also strengthen your willpower and spiritual focus. Labradorite attracts luck, which is why it's also called the Good Luck Stone. If you wish for more abundance, good fortune, and success in your life, this is a stone that you should never be without

Blue Opalite  is steeped in profound symbolism. It is considered to be emblematic of youthful optimism, playfulness and resilience. Blue and white, the two primary colours often found in opalite, are associated with peace, tranquillity and purity

Black Obsidian is a glorious stone for power, protection, and grounding. It is a root chakra stone which means that it keeps you tethered to the here and now and feeling a sense of strength and inner confidence. It also keeps negative energies at bay and gives you the courage to face your inner truths.

lotus Jasper  balances yin/yang energies which brings about healing, and peace. It enhances one's ability to relax and come to peace even in difficult situations. Lotus Jasper brings peaceful endings to situations and relationships. It is the stone to help those that are grieving and to heal the grief.

Red Gridding The theme of this crystal grid is Courage both physically and spiritually represented by the Red coloured crystals and sacred geometry. The courage crystal grid was created for the month of May when the colour of red is in harmony with nature in the southern hemisphere

labradorite  is considered one of the most powerful protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for auras and protects against negativity of the world. Labradorite is said to temper the negativity within ourselves as well.

Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalising our hidden feelings.

Pyrite is a shiny, brass-colored stone often used for abundance, confidence, and protection. It's also known as fool's gold because its color and metallic luster have sometimes caused people to mistake it for gold. The name pyrite comes from the Greek word for fire, and it can emit sparks when struck.

Green spot Jade is a White Jade covered in earthy Green Jade speckles or patterning. It is a variegated type of Jade with the green colour ranging from light to dark. Green Dot Jade is a nurturing stone of friendship bringing harmonious energy to relationships; new acquaintances, families, friends and couples.

Pink Opalite Often referred to as the 'stone of spiritual awakening,' pink opal helps with self-healing and rejuvenates the body and mind. Pink opal is also considered to be a meaningful gemstone for someone to hold if they are struggling with a broken heart.


Black labradorite
Blue Opalite
lotus Jasper
Red Gridding
Black Obsidian
Green spot Jade
Pink Opalite