Moldavite Earrings Assorted - Sterling Silver

Moldavite is a rare form of tektite. Formed when a giant meteorite struck earth. Therefore it is a fusion of extraterrestrial and mother earth energies. Talisman for good fortune and fertility, Enhances other crystals by lifting their vibrations. Extremely high vibration, which opens and clears blockages. It helps you to feel comfortable being in a body especially when you yearn to go home.
Healing – Rather than healing, it makes you aware of the cause and source of the disease, and then supports the healing process.

Moldavite is a stone of the heart, reaching into the deepest inner self and bringing to the surface that which one most needs to recognize, honor, integrate or release. Its resonance brings the heart into union with the mind, allowing them to work together in partnership. The mind in building its creations looks to the heart to see what is worthwhile, and the heart learns to view the self and others with compassion and empathy.


